Asalha puja also called Dhamma day. It takes place on the full moon day of the eighth lunar month Ashar which generally falls in July. This year it is on 20 July 2024. Asalha Puja is a Theravada Buddhist festival and is celebrated in Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, Indonesia and Myanmar. On this day people go round the temple holding candles in their hands. On this day, Buddha gave his first sermon the " sermon in Deer Park " at Sarnath after his enlightenment. The first sermon is also referred to as " setting into motion the wheel of dhamma", for the benefit, happiness, and liberation of countless beings. Keep Meditating
Asalha Puja--going round the temple with candles
Asalha puja also called Dhamma day. It takes place on the full moon day of the eighth lunar month Ashar which generally falls in July. This year it is on 20 July 2024. Asalha Puja is a Theravada Buddhist festival and is celebrated in Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, Indonesia and Myanmar. On this day people go round the temple holding candles in their hands. On this day, Buddha gave his first sermon the " sermon in Deer Park " at Sarnath after his enlightenment. The first sermon is also referred to as " setting into motion the wheel of dhamma", for the benefit, happiness, and liberation of countless beings. Keep Meditating
Asalha Puja--going round the temple with candles
neera madan
July 20, 2024
neera madan
Meditation is the practice of a lifetime. Each day, it grows a little. Keep meditating.
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