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Meditation can bring you closer to your intuition
Once we were driving through a hilly terrain. I had a very peculiar uneasiness. A number of times I told myself to turn back, feeling something was not right. Half way we found that there was a roadblock due to a landslide. That uneasiness was intuition. Intuition is the ability to understand something instinctively without the need for conscious reasoning. It is not magical but a faculty in which gut feelings are generated by the unconscious mind from past experiences and cumulative knowledge. Can we develop an ability to rely on intuitions? Yes, meditation can help us get closer to our intuition by helping us clear our minds of distractions and recognise subtle impulses from within. Keep Meditating
Meditation can bring you closer to your intuition
neera madan
October 15, 2024
neera madan
Meditation is the practice of a lifetime. Each day, it grows a little. Keep meditating.
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